Mini club – all day long!

On Wednesdays, children can go to the mini club and stay there all day long. It is a much appreciated service by kids and grown ups alike that allows the former attend from 10.15 to 16.00. They all have lunch together with a picnic prepared by campsite Nouvelle Floride and Beach Garden.
"A whole day at the mini club once a week Picnic all together." Célia, Responsable Mini Club
Different games are available at your campsite with kids club in Languedoc Roussillon. Children challenge themselves in different languages. Each group has to choose a name and rllying cry. Organisers help find funny, creative ones!
"We’re the WINNERZ cause we’re the best!" , children at the Mini club
Throwing balls at a mountain of buckets, standing on stilts, team races – a wide range of fun activities. Teams compete with each other and accumulate points.
"Go ahead, one last chance, come on!" , children at the Mini club
Your kids are just thrilled at the end of a whole day spent at the kids club of your campsite in Languedoc Roussillon.