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Blue Flag 2024 in Marseillan: a sign of quality for swimming and beach enthusiasts

Pavillon bleu marseillan

What is the Blue Flag?

The Blue Flag is an international label awarded every year to beaches and marinas that meet strict environmental and safety criteria.
The Blue Flag idea was born in France in 1985 and is now recognised worldwide. It is a guarantee of quality for users and local authorities and is awarded by the Foundation for Environmental Eduction (FEE).
The Blue Flag, that has again been awarded for 2024 to the beach at your campsite in Marseillan Plage, stands as a guarantee that you will swim in clean water.

Criteria for awarding the Blue Flag

Water quality

The first and most important criteria is the quality of the bathing water. To be awarded the Blue Flag, the water must meet strict European standards of water quality. To ensure this, samples are regularly analysed to detect the presence of bacteria, chemicals or other pollutants. A beach whose water does not or only partially meet the standards is immediately disqualified from obtaining the label.

Waste management

Waste management is another essential criteria. The marina or beach should have effective systems to prevent pollution. This includes a sufficient number of bins, segregated collection of waste and awareness campaigns on the importance of not leaving litter behind. In addition, the local authority should organise regular clean-ups to keep the beach clean.

Facilities and accessibility

Beach facilities also play an important role in being awarded the Blue Flag. The beach should be equipped with quality facilities, such as showers, toilets, ramps for persons with reduced mobility and shaded areas. Accessibility is crucial: the beach should be accessible to all, without discrimination, and the safety of swimmers should be guaranteed by the presence of qualified lifeguards.

Environmental awareness and education
Finally, environmental awareness and education are another core requirement. Local authorities must undertake educational initiatives to make visitors aware of environmental issues. This could take the form of informative displays, workshops for children or communication campaigns to encourage environmentally responsible behaviour.

The Blue Flag: a recognisable symbol for bathers

A guarantee that stands for quality and safety

When a beach carries a Blue Flag, visitors can immediately see that there is clean and healthy water to enjoy and that the facilities available are of the highest quality. The Blue Flag also gives assurance that the beach is well maintained, with regular cleaning services and measures to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone.


The presence of the Blue Flag also encourages users to adopt a more environmentally friendly behaviour. The educational initiatives and activities to raise awareness carried out at Blue Flag beaches, encourage visitors to consider their ecological impact on the environment and act responsibly, whether it is sorting waste, using facilities properly or participating in environmental conservation activities.

A well-deserved award for Marseillan Plage

The pearl of the Hérault

The beach at Marseillan, directly accessible from Les Méditerranées campsites through a gate secured by a digicode, has long been a favourite with locals and tourists alike. This beach of fine sand stretches for several kilometres and offers an exceptional natural setting, between the Mediterranean Sea and lagoons.

Environmental management initiatives

The award of the Blue Flag to Marseillan beach for 2024 is the result of numerous environmental management initiatives. The municipality has installed efficient waste water management systems to prevent pollution of the sea water. Regular inspection ensures the water quality can be kept at the highest standards all year round. In addition Marseillan also has a strict waste policy. All along the beach there are bins with the possibility of sorting rubbish to encourage visitors to recycle. The city also organises beach clean-ups, involving local volunteers and associations, to preserve the natural beauty of the coastline.

Quality infrastructure and services

Marseillan beach also stands out for the quality of its facilities. There are showers, clean toilets and easy access for people with reduced mobility. Picnic areas and shaded areas have been created for visitors to enjoy. Finally, the presence of first-aid posts and trained lifeguards guarantees a safe swimming experience for all.

Actively promoting environmental awareness

Marseillan municipality has also invested in raising environmental awareness by organising educational workshops on the protection of local flora and fauna and information campaigns on good beach practices. These initiatives, which are essential for informing and encouraging visitors to respect this precious environment, played an important role in awarding the resort the Blue Flag in 2024.
The award of the Blue Flag to Marseillan beach in 2024 is a well-deserved recognition of the town's efforts to maintain the quality of its coastline. This prestigious label is the culmination of many years of work to protect the environment, manage natural resources and improve infrastructure. Les Méditerranées, your campsite in Marseillan, offers you an exceptional beach and setting.